Bronze Miniature – Variants

Bronzenes Variant Miniaturen

Welcome to the Bronze – Variants – Miniatures section.

Bronze – Variants – Miniatures (Bronzenes Variant Miniaturen)

Miniature Mothercross bronze maker unknown.
The cross is made to wear as a brooch and is a two piece construction.
The cross measures 1,4 cm wide by 1,8 cm in length.
Bronze – Variants – Miniatures (Bronzenes Variant Miniaturen)

Miniature Mothercross bronze maker Fa. Froese, Hagen i.W.
The cross is a one piece construction and attached to the bow with a loop instead of the standard square gap
The cross measures 1,4 cm wide by 1,8 cm in length.
Bronze – Variants – Miniatures (Bronzenes Variant Miniaturen)

Miniature Mothercross bronze maker unknown.
This cross is of two piece construction and features a nice oak leaf on the ribbon.
The cross measures only 1,6 cm wide by 2,1 cm in length.
Bronze – Variants – Miniatures Maker L/15 (Bronzenes Variant Miniaturen Hersteller L/15)

Miniature mothercross maker marked L/15 Otto Schickel Pforzheim
The cross is made by a 2 piece contruction and features a nice oak leaf on the ribbon.
The cross measures approx 1,6 cm wide by 2,1 cm lenght.
Bronze Mothercross Miniature Maker L/57 (Bronzenes Mutterkreuz Miniatur Hersteller L/57)

Miniature Mothercross in bronze maker marked L/57 by Boerger&Co Berlin.
The cross is made by a 2 piece construction. But with the maker mark on the top instead on the bottom arm.
The cross measures approx 1,6 cm wide by 2,1 cm in length.